Can GarageBand print scores ?


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I'm still looking for a good and reasonably price tool to write and print scores (partitions). Can GarageBand print scores ?
You know... that's not one of the things I tried. If you had mentioned something before Thursday, I would have checked.

But I don't think it does because it does not use note scoring, it uses a matrix editor. A better tool would be Melody Assistant. It only costs $15, and the company's from your country to boot. :)
chevy said:
I'm still looking for a good and reasonably price tool to write and print scores (partitions). Can GarageBand print scores ?

I recall seeing some shareware programs that would convert midi info to a score. Maybe it was an off the shelf product-I can't recall.

You may want to try search for "print scores from midi" in google.