Can I change wirless mode in OS X?


I want to connected using B instead of G, how do I change which mode my wirless adapter is using in Mac OS X? It's the one that comes standard in a macbook
I guess it'll just try the best available mode. That's G, of course. If you only have a B WAP, it'll automatically go to that mode when connecting to that network. Why would you need to restrict it?
Set your wireless transmitter to broadcast both B and G and you can use either one. If you have Airport Extreme card you can access B or G signals. If you only have Airport Card you can only access the B signal.
G is not always better, if there are many G wirless signals around then connecting with B will be faster, on a campus for example where you have like 6 Gs at once. Where exactly do I go in mac os x to change the setting of which signal it is recieving?