Can I create this workflow with Automator or Applescript?

Jean-Marc Zucze

I was hoping to create the workflow below with automator but I don't seem to figure out how. The WAIT 10 minutes is the real challenge, right?

Also, any idea on how to have this workflow run for me automatically at Noon every day?

OPEN an url using safari
TAB 3 times
TYPE username
TYPE password
press ENTER
TAB 4 times
press ENTER
WAIT 10 minutes then QUIT Safari

Thanks for the help. :)
Create an 'Automator' application with 'Safari's 'Get Specified URLs' and 'Safari' 'Display Webpages' actions. Finally, add an 'Automator' 'Run AppleScript' action containing your 'System Events' 'keystroke' commands. To make a 10 minute delay just use 'delay (60 * 10)'.

'Automator' has no 'AppleScript's 'Script Editor's 'on idle' handler like action. To repeatedly call your 'Automator' application you could activate it every noon, via an 'AppleScript' applet or 'UNIX'es 'crontab'.


Since 'Automator' is only used to provide a URL and display a web page, you could just use 'AppleScript's 'Script Editor'. Either 'on idle' or 'UNIX'es 'crontab' can be used to repeat the applet every day at noon.
Jean-Marc Zucze said:
I was hoping to create the workflow below with automator but I don't seem to figure out how. The WAIT 10 minutes is the real challenge, right?

Also, any idea on how to have this workflow run for me automatically at Noon every day?

OPEN an url using safari
TAB 3 times
TYPE username
TYPE password
press ENTER
TAB 4 times
press ENTER
WAIT 10 minutes then QUIT Safari

Thanks for the help. :)

Each has its place, but AppleScript is infinitely more powerful. Check out my app--Mac HelpMate. Does entirely in AppleScript and Xcode.
Thank you both for your replies guys.

I have already made the same offer to Barhar privately but I will ask here as well as I am a complete newbie to this sphere, and simply too busy to take the time to learn Applescript, as much as I would love to.

But would anyone here be interested in creating this tiny script for me for a little bit of cash ($20, $30?). From Barhar description it seems that it would take any of you applescript experts or near-expert, less than 20 minutes to put this together with some dummy urls and login info that I would edit with my onw stuff. Please let me know. Thank you.