Can i force external monitor type?


hey all,

I have a bit of an issue with connecting my ibook 12.1 800 to the tv.

I can connect fine if i reboot the ibook while it is connected to the tv. But i would like to be able to connect it to the tv and have it detect the tv or be able to force it to output the right format. it can auto detect monitors and change its output.

Is there a way to force thge output to say PAL at 800x640 or whichever setting i so choose? Or can i tell my computer what is connected. or something.

You shouldn't have to reboot, and it should default to whatever setting you used last, PAL or NTSC. It does on my iBook.

You should probably choose to show Displays in the menu bar, so you can switch more easily when you plug in. You might need to use the "Detect Displays" option in this menu to get it to register that a TV has been connected. I'd also advise against connecting or disconnecting the TV while the iBook is sleeping ... that tends to cause a few problems with it recognising the TV.
I use and external monitor quite often as well and it remembers the settings for that fine. But if I want to plug it into the tv even when I detect displays it just says it is the default vga monitor. I already have the displays menu as well.
