Can I make the dock more transparent?


Chmod 760
Staff member
Is there a way to fade everything in the dock?? i want it to be more transparent ... [10.2.3] :confused:

to make everything look good with transparent terminal and links ... :p
this is not what i meant... = i want transparent icons, not transparent dock brackground.. so not Transparent Dock 2.0.2 but something else.. *icons*
I was actually thinking of something like that - but I don't think it excists. :(

I want something that would fade the icons to almost completly invisible - until you move the mouse over them and do the same thing as the "Dock Zoom" effect - except bring them from transperant to 100% visable (with Zoom).

That'd be awesome! :D
if i ever get the cocoa books from amazon (read: italian post has stolen a linux ditro, a slot of ram, a packet sent to me from cupertino and that book it seems.. all in the last 6 months) i'll try to figure how to do that app... :p
I wish I could program so I can take the credit for this - I can't program, but I sure as heck can Photoshop! ;)

This is EXACTLY what I want!
Sogni's Dream Dock

Someone PLEASE make it... and mention me (and Giaguara of course) in the docs? heh :D
I'll do it sogni ...

[rant] before releasing it i *do* hate italian mail .. i want my linux, i want my ram, i want my programming books, i want the packet sent from cali ... never trust it. why the (legal) mail sent disappears? or why it takes over a month to arrive?? [/rant]
[cancel rant partially] Hooray, the bible = Hilleglass (Cocoa programming for Mac OS X) has arrived.. it took just a couple of more months that i wanted to! Woh, still 28 $ with expenses sent to here ... compared to 70 $ if i bought it in a bookshop here... :D [/cancel rant partially]
Cool! While you're at it, figure out a way to make the app in focus somehow different in the Dock, so you can eaily tell. :)
Uh, wait ... i think it takes some time to read the bible now ... ( <<< Hilleglass ) ... at least i know what to read in public such as transport, airports etc :D
and mine's learning MySQL and PHP even if it kills me! :D
Hopfully now that I got a book it'll be easier. :)
That dock would be tight, i wish i could make my own menu like OS 9 had, then make it available to the public for free/donation ware. Is there a chapter on doing menu items? Couldn't you make your icons more transparent for now till you make the app? Transparent icons are easy in iconographer, copy to Photoshop, darken the mask, then brink it back in.
If you mean the Application menu in the menu bar, there is already at least one out on VersionTracker.
mmh, that's not what i intended.. wait, i'll see what i'll do first (the proy thing, or this dock-icon thing.. or some other things that don't have apps yet) :)
That one looks pretty cool. Right now I have two folders in the Dock with aliases, but this looks like it will do the same thing in a cleaner way.
fyi, Hillegass' book on cocoa assumes you already know C and an object oriented programming language (objective-C, Java, C++). if you don't, you might want to pick up a book on those as well ^_^.