Can someone help me with this kernel panic


My intel Mac Pro seems to be crashing quite frequently at complete random times. I have done all the hardware checks and checked the ram using remember.

Here is the panic log:

Wed Oct 22 20:13:45 2008
Machinne-cc caklitipati0xite

Wed Oct 22 20:20:04 2008
Machine-cchc k caapaibiiiiet i s 0x0000000000000000006:
6 er66 rror--rtiogrtinbanksss
Machiaechhicee-c ehecatk stx 0s 0000000000000000000 e
e rarrt arvt vlid
hcaridchmigre-c-chhCck eepoprogresrs
i A ers:rrIeort_A3_C0C0A_St0xT4:
: 343MC2: 0x1M000_U00x001401)val00xd1010000000A00000M(iniATUiS(0xx000): 00Cx1S(0iA4U0000lid0000000M00C0
2I0300nva4 Tnv0aIid3092:A3MxC2_002US(0x004(0C)4 3_000
0A03000MC 0ATUin204000 d0x0a3l0020C0 2SMAC3M i4_STxd4 0xA40000020000US(0x0va1 i0dal1 0val2A32MA200C4C4_ASTATUIA310x0x_115): 5xx: 0b000000000000f1 000 C001A errorvaco32d

3T : T0M0e5_Sf
o 0(0x41bp xf0b2xr ea0lidMo 0e0A eacio
coCA nor r do:n 0 : 00er n0 o1 rmaaetuorsion s
: r0orr0pt
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ed UEcrrreetadlerro rUn
orrected error
: 0E0rr r e Pro Un conccalrcorrxupt
001A42CB): led
UncoMachine Creck (CPU:3, thread:0x2a13050, trapno:0x12, err:0x0),registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x171308c0, CR3: 0x01080000, CR4: 0x000006e0
EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x2457d000, ECX: 0x00000001, EDX: 0x00000000
ESP: 0x14493eb0, EBP: 0x14493f18, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0x2456413c
EFL: 0x00000046, EIP: 0x00c8fcd7

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x2456aee8 : 0x128d0d (0x3cc65c 0x2456af0c 0x131f95 0x0)
0x2456af28 : 0x1a42cb (0x3d27fc 0x3 0x2a13050 0x12)
0x2456b0e8 : 0x19c103 (0x2456b100 0x0 0x0 0x0) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x14493f18

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386


Wed Oct 22 20:53:39 2008
Maahiachenee-cpehec cacliabiei 0xties 0x00000000000000066
r6 r-ror-tipbg bng abMnchie-ne-chehk Macth 0xinec- h0ct0k000 0 0es0000000t00 0005
a5idta crathinItg eslsd
Ca gache saiMnh regrrhnckrinortsops:gre
eAC3 rMC0rtortiAr rx4M1):egs0_S:AT0SIA32_MC0_STATUS(0x401): 0x1000000020000000 invalid
IA32_MC1_STATUS(0x405): 0x0000000000000000 invalid
IA32_MC2_STATUS(0x409): 0x0000000000000000 invalid
IA32_MC3_STATUS(0x40d): 0x0020000000000000 invalid
US0024M00C01STivaali0 0I432030M_M00001_STS(00

Wed Oct 22 20:57:23 2008
Maahiechnne- cckk capbilitieist xs 0x00000000000000060000 000 6:
rror-roing eppostintiMg

Wed Oct 22 21:03:54 2008
Mache--h-hec kcacaalbiles s x0x00000000000000000:
rr6or--r-oertingintibbnk ss
MhinhiMaccheccscheatuus0xxs00x000000000000000 0ret
arreI IPt adP v
iaceiiceck h-cck prg osrgssoCCresMCorM rrrprr-o ortisrter reIi32_MCr2 C02S_C00STATU): S)0x 401): 0x41000100020100200000002invaali0 I lid
C 4A0M))S10S000000000000 0000000000000a i0v I03322_MCC_Si_S( IATU90:(409000T: 00000x00409i)0000 0x0 00 invM30C0_x420_SCix_4:00dS000
000400d0 0: a0xd
IA30 i4000)TATiSd x40M):04in00000000
0 IA341Mn:CxaS0l000I S(0_4C5_STA0a0l000(0xA2 04C510TATb)000x1410va00d
Iab01_ in0Mo5lSidA IAS li 0 41_ STAT0e0f0xeb20 :d l s ecif0va00e 0codda 0xc8
20r o rr codi 0 o0 0 0e00x i
cpSc:ftc e0r0it0co xtat8s
ssothee iPionformsor r o : b0000r00n00abl0
atuds rroso:
P Procces oalle toxtntcMac ko CPU0pt
o enab,rrho
eUnab0x2a1ed6 eUrropnr
rx12, err:0x0),registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x00000000, CR3: 0x01080000, CR4: 0x000006e0
EAX: 0x010a2120, EBX: 0x14243000, ECX: 0x004b2000, EDX: 0x0000000c
ESP: 0x1429beb0, EBP: 0x1429bf18, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0x004b213c
EFL: 0x00000246, EIP: 0x00c8fde3

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x439d58 : 0x128d0d (0x3cc65c 0x439d7c 0x131f95 0x0)
0x439d98 : 0x1a42cb (0x3d27fc 0x0 0x2a15c64 0x12)
0x439f58 : 0x19c103 (0x439f70 0x0 0x0 0x0)
0x1429bf18 : 0x1a5b9a (0x10 0x1429bf44 0x1a3736 0x6)
0x1429bf38 : 0x19e871 (0x0 0x1429bf94 0x19822c 0x206)
0x1429bf58 : 0x1360c4 (0x0 0x136064 0x0 0x2a15c64)
0x1429bfc8 : 0x19b21c (0x0 0xffffffff 0x19e0b5 0x2a0cdfc) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386

Please describe your setup. What do you have attached and installed?

Is it under warranty? If so, be sure to contact Apple. Make them work.

But of course we'll help if we can.

Good luck!
