Can WXP share Internet to OS9 & OSX?


I need to get a laptop PC, which is running XP to share it's connection to the internet which by the way will be D/L from a Satelite broadband and U/L from an ISDN line. Anyway, should XP allow for sharing to OSX & OS 9 at the same time via a network?

SHould this be possible.

I've only got this pc to do this sharing really so I'm not up on setting it up either - any help from anyone would be much appreciated!

By the way, if you're wondering why I don't just use OSX's sharing then this is why:

My Satellite box will not run on mac at all and there's my main problem, coupled with the fact I have an ISDN router and this again does not configure via the mac, so I think its going to be a lot simpler to just get the PC running me thinks.

