Hello everybody,
It's late here an I need to go to bed, so maybe that's why this has completely confused me.
I have a few for loops here that, (i) produces a Vector class instance, (ii) do some maths then, (iii) store the Vector (now containing numbers) in a C-Array of Vectors. Sounds easy.
But when I try to use those numbers outside the for loop I find they are all set to zero. As somebody said a piece of code is worth a 1e3 words so here goes:
It's late here an I need to go to bed, so maybe that's why this has completely confused me.
I have a few for loops here that, (i) produces a Vector class instance, (ii) do some maths then, (iii) store the Vector (now containing numbers) in a C-Array of Vectors. Sounds easy.
But when I try to use those numbers outside the for loop I find they are all set to zero. As somebody said a piece of code is worth a 1e3 words so here goes:
-(void) algo
#define ptsL 5
#define ptsW 5
#define ptsD 5
//create a C-Array of Vector Objects
Vector *term2[ptsL][ptsW][ptsD][ptsD];
//some constant called ang
double ang = pow((cos([self theta]/2)),2);
//This code flips the an NSMutableArray instance variable
NSMutableArray *reversePtsinD;
reversePtsinD = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: ptsD];
reversePtsinD = [[[self z] reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];
unsigned int i,j,q,qq;
for (qq=0; qq < ptsD; qq++)
for (q=0; q < (ptsD-qq); q++)
for (j=0; j < ptsW; j++)
for (i=0; i < ptsL; i++)
//alloc and init the Vector before use
term2[i][j][q][qq] = [[Vector alloc] init];
//number crunching bit
term2[i][j][q][qq] = [
[ ([[self nsaAsVector] divideBy: ang]) multiplyBy: ([[reversePtsinD objectAtIndex:qq] doubleValue]-[self z:q]) ]
//print in the first interation - THIS SHOWS NUMBERS
if(i == j && j == q && q == qq && qq == 0)
[term2[0][0][0][0] print];
printf("\nretainCount (in loop) = %d\n",[term2[0][0][0][0] retainCount]);
//print in the last iteration - THIS SHOWS ZEROS
if(i == 4 && j == 4 && q == 0 && qq == 4)
printf("\nfinal loop iteration\n");
[term2[0][0][0][0] print];
printf("\nretainCount (in loop) = %d\n",[term2[0][0][0][0] retainCount]);
[term2[0][0][0][0] print];
printf("\nretainCount (out of loop) = %d\n",[term2[0][0][0][0] retainCount]);