Cannot load a particular page I have always been able to load.


All of a sudden when I try to load this page I get the error message:

"Safari can’t open the page.
Safari can’t open the page “” because the server where this page is located isn’t responding."

This is the first time I am having this problem.

Any ideas?

Get rid of any two wire wireless systems and use the airport wireless with a modem. Apple and two wire wireless do not speak. Will cause these issues.
Get rid of any two wire wireless systems and use the airport wireless with a modem. Apple and two wire wireless do not speak. Will cause these issues.

That is incorrect - 2Wire wireless modems will work fine with macintosh computers.

Also - the post you replied to is almost 2 years old.
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I just left APPLE for the 3rd time, with a 3rd piece of advice, and this one worked. I disabled my 2 wire, bought the airport express and I have not had and "Server unable to respond" Therefore, it has worked for the situation I posted. Apple techs were perplexed until some of them experienced the exact problem. Yes the 2 wire works with MAC, but it is tempermental, and mine was extremly tempermental.