Can't log on to server


Our lab is amde up of 10 iMacs and 20 iBooks runing Tiger and the Server is running OS 10.4. I have one computer that will not connect to the server. It shows that Ethernet is connected and that Airport connection is available. However, when I try to log on to the server it says that it cannot connect. Any suggestions?
Is this "server" running OS X Server 10.4 or the client version? If it's the client version, I believe there is a limit to how many simultaneous sessions you can have on that server box with 10.4 client (something like 10 I believe). It's possible that you're exceeding the amount of clients that can connect to it.

I'm not sure if this limitation is only with AppleTalk or with any other file sharing protocol on the client version.
nixgeek said:
Is this "server" running OS X Server 10.4 or the client version? QUOTE]
It's the server version. When we set up the lab we made a disc image and set up all the machines using that image.
I noticed that you said ethernet was connected and airport was enabled on that particular Mac. Are you using the Mac with both of them enabled at the same time or was that just referring to the fact that both interfaces work in general? If you have both active at the same time, you won't be able to connect as both interfaces are going to fight to send and receive information. Unless you're routing or linking both interfaces for some sort of load balancing, you won't get a connection. Disable one of the interfaces and see if this does it.
nixgeek said:
I noticed that you said ethernet was connected and airport was enabled on that particular Mac. Are you using the Mac with both of them enabled at the same time or was that just referring to the fact that both interfaces work in general? If you have both active at the same time, you won't be able to connect as both interfaces are going to fight to send and receive information. Unless you're routing or linking both interfaces for some sort of load balancing, you won't get a connection. Disable one of the interfaces and see if this does it.

I'll try that and see if it works.