Can't print after saving file as PDF...?


I can only print just after a restart... but after I have my computer on for a while, I get an "Cannot Connect to Printer Error" which tell me the printer is no longer recognized!!?

But I just printed something - so why won't it connect now?

I may have narrowed it down to the "Save as PDF" function... 10.2.2 has a cool function where you can Command-P print but then save the doc as a PDF instead of printing... but it seems like after I do that, the printer is no longer recognized as being connected when I want to actually print. This never used to happen before.

Is there any way for me to re-set the printer connection without re-booting each time I want to print?
Let me add on to this...

After a few more restarts, I realize this has nothing to do with saving as a PDF.

I can only print just after restarting... then, after about 5 minutes of idle time, I get "Printer Error"s and it stops the job. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for this.

This is an Epson 1280 Photo Printer running on OS 10.2.3
