Can't print from wireless side to wired LAN

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This problem is a little different than the bulk of the printing problems I have reviewed here. Here is my setup:
iBook G4, OS X 10.4.5, Airport connected to wired LAN via DHCP
Linksys WRT54GX4 working as a WAP (downlink port not used)
Wired LAN with old Linksys router
Several XP machines on LAN and one on wireless
HP Color LaserJet 2600n connected to wired LAN

The Problem: iBook has no problem getting out to Internet using Airport. Cannot connect to HP printer via Airport. If the iBook is hardwire connected to the LAN it can see and use the HP printer with no problem. I need find out how to print from the wireless side of the WAP.

The problem was related to the fact that I am using a wireless "router" as a WAP. Even though I was not using the router portion of the WRT54GX4, two settings related to the router interfered with the iBook discovering the HP printer. Instructions:

1. Go to the router's config page under Administration|Management and set "UPnP" and "Multicast Pass Through" to DISABLE.

That's it. I suspect the multicast setting was certainly a problem. Don't know if UPnP was. I didn't try disabling them separately. At this point the Linksys hardware works like a champ with the iBook and OS X 10.4.5. This is my first wireless experience and it "feels" as fast as the hard wired 100 Mbit ethernet.
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