Can't Run Finder/can't Access Desktop Items Or Harddrives


hello there
I have 400mhz powerpc g3 imac with 512 mb sdram - it was running fine on 10.2.8.

I have just installed panther and upgraded to 10.3.9 - it works fine except for the following problems:

- the desktop has wallpaper but apart from that is empty. None of my other items are there

- including my drives (internal and external). Can see them when I go through system preferences to choose a wallpaper, it allows me to see them but that is it.

- can't run finder - the bar appears for 3 seconds then goes again. That's it

- can only access the apple icon via anohter application (safari etc) not finder.

Basically, it works but these issues are major as can't run itunes, access photo file etc...

Not particularly computer literate so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

no need to answer this - sorted it by doing archivae and install as suggested on another post. worked so thanks
Hey gregor...welcome to the forum. Glad to see that the forum search was helpful in finding your solution. :)