Can't start most apps & internet access is also a problem


Pls help with a sudden problem I am experiencing on my iBook G4.

Genesis of the Problem:

1. I was attempting to downlaod a word document from my Yahoo email when my computer froze completely (not first time).

2. I tried to resolve this (as I have done in the past) by removing the electric cord as well as the battery.

3. Upon restarting my Mac, I immediately noticed everything had changed. Among the apparent changes is that my Dock no longer hides ( I have since changed this back) and there are no files, folders or application icons on my desktop any more.

1. I cannot launch several applications from my Applications Folder including: Firefox, Skype, iTunes no longer launches from Applications Folder

When I try to, it asks me to Accept to the License requirements. After I do this. I get the msg: "iTines cannot be found or created, and is required. The default location for this folder is inside "Music"/ folder.

or "Skype cannot create Skype folder at /Users/dubs/Library/Application Support/Skype. Make sure you have enough priviliges to create that folder and launch Skype again."

2. Safari starts up, but I keep getting some mesgs :

1st -> "THERE IS A PROBLEM SAVING YOUR BOOKMARKS. Safari encountered a problem while saving your bookmarks" [OK] or

2-> "KEYCHAIN NOT FOUND." "A keychain cannot be found to store 'Safari'" [Cancel] [Reset to Defaults]

3. I can no longer see my Desktop Files, Folders and Application Icons on my Dashboard (Screen) without going into my Personal Directory.

Would appreciate any help to resolve this.
Presently using my wife's PC and you can imagine my pain.
I need my Mac back; pls help/

1. There is something called a Power Shutdown, and it ain't pulling the plug out of the wall. Do you have the basic book Apple gave you? Go to Apple Support Docs and copy how to perform same, also Safe Boot, Power Manager Reset, (diff keystrokes for each machine.) Do you own Disk Warrior? Consider buying it thru download--now.
2. I would get that machine in shape and learn a few basics. In your case, I recommend an Archive and Install. If--and that's a big if--you have otherwise been maintaining it all along: repairing permissions erc.--you might get away with just making a New User Account. No harm done, but if you want it working now, download DW, and meanwhile get out your original CD. Startup with that disk -- If you've any reason to suspect a hardware problem, or just want max reassurance, hold down the Option key at startup and you will see Hardware Test - run it. When it's done, restart again and run Disk Utility, both repair and permissions. Then start the Archive and Install, which more simply means, your user folder is not touched, but a new system is built. When you are done, repair perm. again after restartiing, run Software Update, and reapply all the Updates that come down for you - the big ones, one at a time and in order, repairing permissions after each. (If you haven't done this, the System even saves your old System for you.) Also download MainMenu ... and Applejack, which performs disk repairs at a Single User (Command-S) startup. Otherwise, that thorough repair can only be performed with your boot disk. Leave a post if you get hung up anywhere here. DW is the one 3rd-party miracle repair for the Mac - but first, we gotta get you a working system.
how do I do that?
I have run the hardware test - no problem.
I have run the Disk Utility (Repair Disk) succesfully.

Purchased and now Downloading DiskWarrior 4.

System is still not fully functional i.e. no iTunes, Firefox and weird mesgs I am still getting.


An archive and install? Your system install disk(s) will walk you through, it's just like an install, except you choose Archive and Install. Couldn't be simpler. And there will be a copy of your Previous System Folder, too, in case you need to move anything over--particularly preferences, so keep that around for a while.

Does that answer your question? Sounds like your disk is in great shape! If you're unclear how you got in this mess ... it took me about a year to get really comfy with OS X, (Jaguar) I remember having to do a number of A & I.

I don't recall, if you are at 10.4.8, and therefore have to apply updates (thru Software Update) ... do those one at a time, without running any other apps - the big ones. Hope you're on broadband.