Capture File Type is PDF... and I Can't Change It


Hi everybody,

My screen capture file type is PDF, and I can't change it. I have Tinker Tool, but the option to change it is grayed out... I would take a capture to show you... but it would be PDF (arghh...)

Why am I having this problem?
Is it really a problem?
Why can't I make it something else?
How do I do it?
Why do I ask so many questions?

Thanks everybody,
Tom Butler
If you have 10.2, you can't change it, sorry. In 10.1 you can do it from terminal, defaults write .. etc etc - but not in 10.2.

Either open the PDF screenshot in Preview and export it to jpg or how you prefer it - or install Kunvert (from that allows you to convert it with one click to be a .jpg or what ever format you prefer.

Kunvert does what you want. ;)