Cascading windows: Where is this controlled?


Ever since I've been using OS X I've had to deal with multiple windows that cascade. I know others hate this as much as I do. I would like a program that changes this so a window always opens up full screen (maximized) not strewn around or learn how to change the files so this stops. 1 window, 10 windows....all in the same place. I have to drag windows hundreds of times a day because of this. An option to control this would make everybody happy.
That's not how OS X works. In Windows, you're centered on one program, which makes multi-taking difficult. OS X will expand windows "smartly" if you press the green button, i.e. to the size of the page. There is no "Full Screen" per se in OS X. It's a multi-tasking OS. You can press apple-option-h to hide all windows but the one you see to create a less cluttered workspace.
Ever since I've been using OS X I've had to deal with multiple windows that cascade. I know others hate this as much as I do. I would like a program that changes this so a window always opens up full screen.
I mainly use a 20 inch monitor and I wouldn't want every window to open “full screen”. Why would I?

Download a copy of Witch ( ) and learn how to use it. Then you'll find window management very simple.
It wouldn't matter the size of monitor you use - if you have to see more of the window, you're going to enlarge the window. Monitor size is totally irrelevant.

Most of the time when I open a window I realize its opening just big enough to see what I need. But that is only initially. Seconds later I need to go somewhere else in that screen, need to see more, and have to mindlessly drag the corner to get it to maximize. Over and over, day after day.

I'll take your suggestion and try Witch. A lot of people seem to like it.