Caveat Emptor-OS X, USB & LaCie CD-RW

i & i

There is a serious flaw or bug in OS X that prevents it from burning CDs via USB under all versions of OS X, to a LaCie 24x10x40x U&I CD-RW drive. I am unable to write data CDs via the finder, Toast light v 5.1.3, or audio CDs via iTunes (any version). Apple knowledge base articles state that if the drive is recognized by Apple System profiler than the drive will work, THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!! Other knowledge base articles say that if the drive is recognized in iTunes preferences than burning is supported, THIS IS ALSO NOT TRUE. I have tried writing at 1x & 2x using a variety of name brand blank CD media. I get error -7932 in iTunes and error -3 in the finder. An incomplete directory is written to the CD that contains no data. This drive works perfectly under OS 9, using Toast, iTunes & Discburner. I feel that OS X is unfinished and lacking in basic funtionality. Now OS X 10.2 is being offered at $129. and since Apple & LaCie are both denying that USB CD burning is NOT SUPPORTED under OS X, I see no point in upgrading to OS X 10.2 since it is probably also lacking in basic functionality.