cd art software


are there any good freeware programs out there to create cd art that anyone knows of, or at the least any good ones which are low priced that anyone whould recommend? appriciate it. there is nadda at versiontracker.
he he he ... for a moment I thought "Nadda? Gee, I've never heard of that one." Then it clicked. Nadda. Zip. Zilch.

I assume what you want is an image editor of some sort. Like PhotoShop, but free.

If you don't mind delving into Fink and X11 - and there are a few HOW-TOs on the site here that will help you with that - then I would recommend the GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Project). It will take an hour or two to come to grips with it, but it is quite useful.
You can also go with GraphicConverter, excellent shareware to compress/size/crop images.