cd command?


How do I cd to a directory containing a space?
For example the 'iTunes Music' directory in '/Documents/iTunes'

I tried:

cd Documents/iTunes/iTunes Music/

but got the error:

cd: Too many arguments.
Originally posted by owaters
How do I cd to a directory containing a space?
For example the 'iTunes Music' directory in '/Documents/iTunes'

I tried:

cd Documents/iTunes/iTunes Music/

but got the error:

cd: Too many arguments.

Try cd Documents/iTunes/iTunes*
Originally posted by owaters
How do I cd to a directory containing a space?
For example the 'iTunes Music' directory in '/Documents/iTunes'

I tried:

cd Documents/iTunes/iTunes Music/

but got the error:

cd: Too many arguments.

I forgot another way

Try cd Documents/iTunes/iTunes\ Music

Trap the space with a "\" character. Type the \ then the space or whatever the meta character is. You can use this method to trap any meta charater in a file/directory name.

Meta characters are the top characteres on your numeric keys like the !, @ # $ %
Ooh looky! Here's another way! Put the whole thing in quotations marks, like so:

cd "Documents/iTunes/iTunes Music/"

you can also use tabulator to complete names of directories, files...if there are many choices, it'll stop where similarities end....or if pressed twice in that case, show all possibilities