CD Drive Broken


I'm trying to get Windows XP Home installed onto my MacBook.

My problem is that my CD Drive is broken, this means I can't insert a disc when prompted by BootCamp.

I've got the disc but also extracted an iso image using my pc and ported it to my mac using a flash drive. All legally of course (kinda proof:

So my question is either is there a way to use an iso (or some other non-disc format) to install XP with bootcamp. Or is there a possible fix for my MacBook's cd drive.

I have tried googling extensively but to no avail yet.
There is no way to use an ISO file with BootCamp. However, most virtualization programs such as Parallels and VMware Fusion will allow you to use ISO images to install with.

If the MacBook is still under warranty, I would get it fixed as soon as possible. If it is not, you can buy an external CD-ROM drive which will be much cheaper than getting the drive fixed.
Also if you have another Mac computer with a CD-ROM drive, you can put that into target disk mode, hook up a firewire cable and then put the XP disc in that computer. It will show up as a CD-ROM on your MacBook and you will be good to go.
I've got an iMac, will that work with my MacBook via the firewire cable method?

Edit: Also would there be any reason I would have a firewire cable lying around, IE they come with the mac? Also how would one put their mac into target disk mode?
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Yes that should work fine.

There were not any Macs that I know of that came with a firewire cable so you will need to get one if you do not have one.

When you start up your iMac, hold down the "T" key and a firewire icon will popup on the screen. This when you plug the firewire cable into each computer.

Once you have already ran the BootCamp utility and partitioned the drive, start up your MacBook, hold down the option key and all the startup disks available will show up. Select the one with the CD icon that will have something about windows under it. It will start booting up into the Windows installer and there you go.
I have tried to read a small size CD in my new Almunium Mac Book CD Driver.
Except I can't read also can't take it out. Should I open the Mac Book Case or any other wayout to take the small CD out ? Thanks
Yes, as you have found out, the small ones do not work in a slot loading drive.
Did the CD-ROM drive take it in itself or did you force it in?
I would not take it apart as it will void the warranty. I'm sure if it came to it, the people at the Apple store would take it out for you (although they probably won't think too highly of you).
I know this is a bit old now but I'm still having trouble.

When I insert the cd into the computer with the working cd drive in target disk mode, it shows up as a mountable drive on my mac I'm trying to get xp on.

When I try to boot off it it doesn't detect it either. This is strange because it gives me the option to boot off a cd but once inside all I see is a black screen that says to insert a cd and then press any button to continue. I of course push buttons and attempt to reinsert the cd but to no avail.

If you have any help with this i'd be greatly appreciative.

EDIT: Here's the full error message, "No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key"
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