CD Stuck in my imac!!!


Yeah, Androo.
OK, i burnt a cd using toast. My computer froze. Then i pressed the restart button at the side of my 500 mhz Blue Dalmation iMac. Then it couldn't read the system folder, and the cd is stuck now. I try pressing eject, i try holding down option to load one of my system folders. It can't read my OS X or OS 9 systems. It is totally fudged up!
What should I do?
if you comp still isn't working boot to Unix by holding down Comand S

after it boots type fsck (if you don't know how to get out of unix type reboot )

if that dosn't work boot to your OS X CD and run first aid (it's in the installer menu)

and if all else fails boot to your os 9 cd

(lets hope you don't have to go that far)
THanks for our help, but.......
I reboot with unix, i can't eject the disc :(
I better not have to erase everything on my HD or something, I had REALLY important files on it!!!!!!!!!!!
well, thanks anyways,
did you try the click thing?

i that don't work hold down option and then eject it from there

and the final way to eject th CD is to put a paperclip in the far right side of the slot load drive
lol it was a blank cd, it didn't burn
the person hacked me/my comp froze before it started burning i guess!
Now i have to fix my dad's computer!
It doesn't show anything in the system preferences except for show all
but i think i can fix it!