Celebrate with me.


Staff member
Today's the day, folks. I've reformatted the partition Mac OS 9.x was on. I'm now Mac OS X only. Thanks, Adobe. So far, I've run into one app that wouldn't load, because of Classic missing. It was a Flash 6 plugin installer. I've downloaded the wrong one by error.

It's time. Let me restate what was on that Public Beta package I bought from Apple some time ago: "You are holding the future of the Macintosh in your hands. Mac OS X is a new, super-modern operating system that will usher in a new era for the Macintosh. New from the ground up, Mac OS X is specifically designed for the Internet and includes advanced technologies for incredible improvements in stability and performance. It also features a stunning new interface called Aqua. (...) Thanks for your help and for being a part of Apple history. We couldn't do it without you."

Well, thank you, Apple. It's been a hell of a ride so far, and I'm looking forward to the next iterations of this phantastic, beautiful, insanely great product that makes my life easier and my work more fun. Cheers.
Congratulations! :D :D :D
The only things that are holding me back are ResEdit and#$%^&* RealPlayer. And I only use them once every few weeks or so, anyhow.
Yea! I'm working 99% in X now at work and at home. My college is upgrading to X this summer, or so i hear, and everyone is on board. I'm not ready to erase classic yet but someday soon. ;) I'm keeping it for safety.

I used classic once or twice. I have never rebooted into it. I don't even know why it is still around. If I had my way, I'd move everything off, re-install osx and start fresh without 9.
I don't think I'll be deleting Classic any time soon. I only use it for UT though, but just in case :)
yeah fryke!

The only thing holding me back is PS Elements and Real Player. I wonder how long it will be until Photoshop Elements is here for X.
iPhoto and Elements are far from the same thing. Elements can do so much more editing then iPhoto all iPhoto can do is crop, get rid of red-eye and rotate. Elements can do so so so much more.
I still need to upgrade my Photoshop to 7. This is why I start Classic:
  • Adobe Photoshop 6 (of course; will soon change)
  • Macromedia Flash 5
  • Macromedia Dreamweaver 4
  • Macromedia Fireworks (forgot the version :rolleyes:)

That is a very short list.
Extensis Portfolio
Acrobat Distiller


Extensis is supposed to be X ready in Summer, but Quickbooks and Distiller show no signs of going Carbon it appears.
I'm with ya Fryke! I've already deleted all my Classic apps off of my Powerbook. I'm having a problem deleting the System Folder off it, so as soon as I figure out why, it's history.

Viva le Mac OS X!
Good job man! I plan to get rid of the System Folder as soon as possible - I deleted all my apps and haven't touched Classic or booted back into 9 in months. But I'm still keeping my System Folder around "just in case." It won't be much longer though...

-the valrus
Yay, no more accidental Classic startup, because I've clicked on an old document. :) (I've also gotten rid of all old apps. 5 copies of SimpleText?!) ;) ... Happiness all over the place. And now that Classic never hogs my memory again, it's also like a RAM upgrade.
I wish I could get rid of Classic, but I need to use Outlook for work and M$ are dragging their heels over an OSX version.... :(
From what I've read, Timsey, Microsoft won't be making a version of Outlook for X since they feel that Apple's Mail.app fills the niche of a free email client. You should try and adopt either a different free client or Entourage if your work wants you to have an MS product.
Well i joined you! Kind of. On my G3 350 BW Tower i said screw it (it had problems) and i saved everything i needed and did a clean install of os 10.1.2! No classic what so ever!

But i still have classic on my PowerBook. ;)

Next project is to sell that G3 for $$ and get an iPod. Ohh good idea twister! :D
OS 10.1.2? We're on 10.1.4 as of the other day. *snort snort* 2001 called, they said they wanted their Operating System back! HAHAHA! :p

Ok, so that was lame :eek:

(PS: I'm typing this on a 1989 Mac SE keyboard. Ah, I love my iMate :)
Yea 10.1.2 is all i have on CD. It came with my PowerBook. And i only have a dial up 56k internet so downloading the 10.1.3 update would take forever!

There's a HUGE difference between Outlook and Outlook Express. Microsoft Outlook Express is their free client which has been replaced by Entourage/Mail; Microsoft Outlook is thier enterprise email application with network-based calendaring and whatnot that hooks in directly with their Microsoft Exchange Server.

(I work for a design firm that was all Mac-based a few years ago but is now mostly PCs -- that transition was hard (I'm still a die-hard Mac user), but it came down to what our gave our clients confidence: they're PC based and they wanted to be sure that we understood them. So, in the process of going PC we had to switch to an email system that would support both platforms. Let's face it -- there's no Mac-based enterprise email solutions.)

I sure wish someone would make an OS X email client that would access Exchange server and have all its functionality. *sigh*