Centering on Safari (scroll bar/ HTML issues?)


I am using the <center> tag for the images I use at the top of my homepage. (Its one large image). The homepage needs a scroll bar at the right so you can access the rest of the page at the bottom. When you click on one of my links, it takes you to another page with the same image on the top. But when you go there, it shifts over, like as if the <center> tag has no meaning. At first I couldn't figure out why, using the same html, the image at the top would shift over from one page to another. Then I noticed this second page does not require a scroll bar because its shorter than the homepage. So I went back to the homepage, made the window larger, then linked to this second page, and the headline image did not shift, it stayed centered. (Which is very frustrating!) My question is: How can I make sure everything is centered and not be affacted by a silly scroll bar? Its frustrating because I feel there is nothing I can do!
Intead of using <center>, try aligning the table cell that the image is in...
<td align="center">
Bit of a nasty hack but try applying overflow: scroll to your body element....

e.g. <body style="overflow: scroll">

Means you will always get scroll bars (at least you do in the quick test I just tried in Safari) - but you always get both vertical and horizontal so looks ugly! If I remember correctly there is some dodgy MS Internet Explorer only attribute you can apply to the body to do the same thing but only use the vertical scroll bars.

To be honest I think you are better off just living with it!