CGI Script and SMTP

Joel Epstein


Hi all -

After struggling longer than I would have liked, I finally have SMTP working on my Mac OSX Server (10.1.3). It's great. I can now get and receive e-mail using my customized name at my customized URL. Hooray!

Now, I'm facing a problem. I'd like to have some forms on my web site that get processed as e-mail. Scripts like FormMail and Form_Processor are great because they allow for logging, confirmation e-mail, and redirection. That's exactly what I want, but those scripts require sendmail. I've heard sendmail is terribly difficult to configure (plus I'm all set up right now with SMTP).

So, do any of you know a good CGI I could use that would meet my needs and work with SMTP (or perhaps give advice as to how I could modify FormMail or Form_Processor to accomodate SMTP).

Again, I do appreciate any feedback!

SMTP is just the protocol. sendmail is a bitch to configure, but chances are that if you have set up a SMTP server on OS X (server or otherwise) you are running sendmail already.