Change Keyboardlayout


Hi All,

I have a problem with my Keyboardlayout and need some help.
If I start my Mac with >console only the UNIX-Shell starts without
Aqua-GUI. The program uses the american keyboardlayout, but I
have a germankeyboard (europeankeyboard).

Now my question:
How can I change the setting in the darwinshell to use germankeyboard.

THX for your solutions

Willkommen im Forum, Osham! :)

Eventhough I don't have a particular idea how I could help you, it might be very helpful to add some information about your OS. 10.1, 10.2 or 10.3? And did you install all language packages? I have a german keyboard here (QWERTZ) and everything works fine.

I have Mac OsX 10.3 and have added all language packages. but I don't know how to use them in the bash shell if you type >console as user in your login screen.
Hope you can help me

THX Osham