Change your Desktop into a ScreenSaver


Apple Avid
Wanna turn your desktop into a screensaver? follow these simple instructions into a terminal window. (best done with quartz extreme) go to system prefs and open the screen effects pane. choose a screen saver and quit. open terminal and type this

/system/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background &

thats it! your desktop has no turned into the screensaver you chose. to get rid of this type kill xxx (xxx stands for the number that it shows in the terminal window after you typed in the code. dont actually type in 'xxx')
It's very neat but my iBook isn't even close to powerful enough to handle that load. My system slows down to a crawl.
there's an app on versiontracker to do this, on the front page, for those who are terminal-phobic :)

name: desktop effects 0.1
yeah well..i read the terminal way in another forum and thought i'd share it here and just a couple hours ago they release a gui which is much both ways
right (where I read the terminal part) is probably the best site ever for, um, mac OS X Hints :)