Changing icons?


Barking at the moon.
sup guys, I've got a couple of questions about changing icons in 9. First off, how do I change an app's or an alias' icon? I've been to and I don't really want to mess with their software unless I have to (I'm only planning on changing like 3 or 4).

Secondly, I have a FireWire HD that I'd like to change the icon for. If I do this, will it remember the new icon even after I unplug and the drive and re-mount it or whatever?

Thanks for any help. :)
It isn't to hard. Select the icon that you want to use and open the "get info" panel. Click on the icon at the top of the panel, and then go to "Edit" and "Copy". Select the app, file or folder, and open the "get info" panel for it. Click on the icon and then go to "Edit" and "Paste".

This also works for resizing larger images. If you copy an image on a drawing or paint program, and then paste it to the icon in an info panel, it gets resized to a 32x32 version.

For making the best icons there are some nice icon editors, but even ResEdit works nicely. The best results come from having a mask for the image you want as an icon (but that would be another subject).

And yes, the Firewire drive should remember.

Hope that helps.