Electric whale
Now we all know there's difference between mouse behaviour under OSX and, for. ex. WIndows. In lower speeds under OSX mouse get's "better resolution" which helps you point things. But If you got used to Windows - such 'slowdows' will only make you get angry.
I know there is sollution - TurboMouse drivers for OSX, but they got only small defect - your mouse is houndred times faster, and after each pluging your mouse it's spped rate is set up to fastest - you can't save settings of you preffered speed.
Do you know any other sollution to make you pointer move in Windows-like style?
I know there is sollution - TurboMouse drivers for OSX, but they got only small defect - your mouse is houndred times faster, and after each pluging your mouse it's spped rate is set up to fastest - you can't save settings of you preffered speed.
Do you know any other sollution to make you pointer move in Windows-like style?