Changing Network Address


How do I change my network address? Mine's something like \\ which is really hard to remember ;) Is there a way to change it to something like (my school's proxie address)? I use an ethernet ADSL modem. That makes a difference doesn't it?
another solution to your problem is you can go over to "", sign up and use the free dynamic dns services. this allows you to from a list of their domains and add your own prefix and whola .. that's the new dns entry to your machine. it does involve some configuring and download of a dns update client but i got mine up and running in 5min. it might not be the answer you were looking for but it's definitely a possible solution ...
If you pop open a terminal window and type
ifconfig en0
this will show you the IP address your machine has. You can always reference your machine using the four byte IP address. Don't have to change a name to do so. Just be aware that if you're getting your IP address from a DHCP server, then it is liable to change now and again (depending on DHCP setup... just coz you have a DHCP server doesn't mean its configured to provide dynamic IPs ... its just that most are :))

I think you can see your current IP address if you go to the Sharing pane in the system prefs also.

It is quite simple to change it look at my pic that was all i did and the woops! it worked, :D. I have ADSL .

Sorry for the Swedish language but should be fine anyway :)


  • network.jpg
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Simply click on that address and u'll get your IP address.

The first one is a name assigned to your machine by your provider.
U can do it from Sharing Panel.

See the attachment.


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Well I just chagned the TCP/IP settings to manual and set my IP to what I want.... but I hope that it doesn't screw up the ADSL.
I tried on first official release of Jaguar on my Powerbook and it doesn't work.
I tried on latest release of Jaguar on my new dual and it works.

I use PPPoE too.

MMM, why?
Hey there,

Well - you can't go randomly changing your IP addresses (that is to say, you can physically, coz you're in control of your network interface, but it probably won't work to well), I'm sorry to inform you. This is because your ISP will be running a DHCP server and you will be assigned an IP address. Otherwise it would be impossible to manage (people would constantly be choosing conflicting IPs, with all likelyhood). You have to use the one assigned to you. The name you use is a different matter - this is a mapping of a name to your IP address. You can change your name, for example, by editing the hosts entries in your NetInfo and giving your computer a name that maps to the IP address your ISP has assigned you. However - you may find that your IP is on a limited lease (quite usual for PPPoE ISPs and not a bad idea from a security point of view, either). This means that you will have to update that entry every time you receive a new IP address! (not very nice) You could also set up a local BIND server (check MAN pages and online tutorials ... there may even be a nice GUI frontend available for it??) to handle this task. Could also be done using some shell (or Apple) scripts which update the hosts entry periodically.

Anyhow - hope that provides some insight :)
