Cheapest place for White Pro Keyboard!?

Do a price comparison at:
Mac Connection
Originally posted by Cheryl
Do a price comparison at:
Mac Connection

Thank you Cheryl! ... i was thinking of getting an iPod in the same order, saves cost 'n' all, but then i figured, i'd better wait in that case, til next week. You would agree, that the price of the keyboard isn't going 2 go down, tho, right?


PS... Those sites, some maybe US, and may result in a cheaper price. the keyboard is the same, isn't it?! ... my iBook has, what i'd call a US keyboard layout, and i've become used to it (altho its a pain when i use my PeeCee ... (the @ and " are the opposite!) ... but, what i am saying is, is there a difference?! i assume not! :D
I have not had the pleasure of seeing a European keyboard, so I am not sure of the difference/indifference.

As for prices, the Pro is priced at $59 (US) at

I do like the pro better than what they shipped the B&W G3. That little thing is hard to get used to.
Thanks once more Cheryl, I jus ordered a keyboard from ...altho after i submitted, it gave me no reference No. So i emailed the webmaster. That, i think is overall, the cheapest ...

£50 inc Next Day Delievery is pretty Good, have to wait and see what the keyboard layout is like, i am now familar with both, and either way, i can make do! :D

i've never seen the g3 iMac ones, do u have a pic? i am curious! i think i see a mouse tho, aren't round, about the size of a mug? ... too small for me!

There were some iMac's (the early ones) that came with the small round mouse. My Blue & White Tower came with one of those. I got an optical mouse for it as soon as they came out.
I believe it was the later model iMac and the G4's that came with the 'normal' size mouse :)
The early G4's came with the 'Hockey Puck' mouse, this was one of the Cons listed in the MacWorld review.