checking recent actions made on my mac


I have reason to beleive my mac has been used without my permisssion. Is there any sort of application or utility i can use to log what has happened. I've tried looking at the history on all my browsers but there is nothing there at all. Where does deleted stuff like this go??? thanks
You could use a software that records every key stroke and works in background.

For example MonitorerX Pro. (search Versiontracker).

I haven't tried that one myself but that should get you started in your investigation...
- Why do you think someone has been using your Mac? Is something actually wrong, altered, missing, etc?

- You might check the console for any messages at the time you are suspicious of ... for instance, if you know you didn't use your Mac on the weekend, and its full of messages for that time, then maybe someone was using it. Go to /Applications/Utilities and choose Console.

- You might try a log analyser program like this one:

- Think about security! Make sure you've set a login password, and I'd also suggest using either a screen saver password, or loading the lock screen item in the Keychain menu-ling (which can be activated from within KeyChain Manager in Applications/Utilities)