Cheep Yet Good Quialty intel iMac Video Capture


Think Different
What is the best way to go about getting video from my TV/RCA cables (ps2, nintento, vcr, dvd ect) into my iMac? I am trying to put my home videos on my computer, and also maybe a few TV shows. I don't have 300 dollars to spend though, i'd like to do it for under 100 if possible ... is this feasable?

for that cheap, i haven't seen any. the cheapest i've seen for a mac was a pci card, which is useless to you, but it was about 150. other than that, most usb devices are around 200 and up. i plan on getting an elgato eyetv 250 because it has a hardware encoder, as well as a video game console pass through setting for zero video lag.
Where coould I buy that in the states? ... and it does both TV (plug your cable connection into it) ... and RCA (red yellow blue) ??? how much is it USD?

you can find it here, which is where i plan on getting it from. and yes, it has a tv tuner in it. and as far as rca, if you mean video(yellow), and audio left(red)/right(white), then yes, it has a brake out harness for that, and s-video. now if you mean componite rca video, which is 3 rca jacks for just the video(red/blue/green), then no.