Chimera 0.1.2


All I have to say is this thing rocks. Scrolling is better, scroll wheel support is in, and forms now work (I'm posting this from it now). This thing is going to be amazing.

And Ed, we know that you dont like it so please dont tell us again. :)
Looking great! Forms still need to be worked on a bit but hey, they work! Scrolling is MUCH nicer, nicer than IE and OmniWeb even.
themacko, btw I saw you post a message to the chimera newsgroup. I've posted on there as well. If you've seen any messages from Jeff Hume... thats me.
lol awesome, you post like half the messages! :p it's a really good way to keep track of the progress
Yeah, I post a lot :). Also if you want to ask a question go onto #mozilla and talk to NSObject or Hyatt... I haven't seen Hyatt on there yet, but I've talked to NSObject a few times. They are the two developers.
Actually I would like to know Ed's thoughts on this. Here's why:

AOL/Netscape is never going to use chimera. So it doesn't help aol.

Basically we have a tried and true html render combined with a SWEET cocoa interface. And the only link to aol it has is that AOL and Chimera both got their core parts from the same project (mozilla). I mean, COME ON PEOPLE!

/me goes to download

gplex, you're now the official Chimera dude. :)
Well, I downloaded it, and of ccourse Stuffit Expander gave me errors. So I did it in the terminal, and here's what tar had to say (after I gunzip'd it):
[user@mach4 Downloads]$ tar -xvf chimera12.dmg.tar 
tar: Cannot identify format. Searching...
tar: Cpio file name length 60764 is out of range
tar: Invalid header, starting valid header search.
tar: Cpio file name length 9524 is out of range
tar: Cpio file name length 54298 is out of range
tar: Cpio file name length 13935 is out of range
tar: Cpio file name length 62995 is out of range
tar: Cpio file name in header is corrupted
tar: Cpio file name length 16454 is out of range
tar: Cpio file name length 33344 is out of range
tar: Cpio file name length 7999 is out of range
tar: Cpio file name length 5120 is out of range
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
[user@mach4 Downloads]$

did anyone else have trouble with this?
here's whats going on:
omniweb is changing the name from:

thing is though, IT ISN'T TAR'd

So, here's what I recomend:
go to that website, right click on the file (control click, whatever) and select 'save'. Ok, now in the terminal:
mv chimera.dmg.tar.gz chimera.dmg.gz
gunzip chimera.dmg.gz
and then:
open chimera.dmg

I might have the file name a bit off, but you'll get the idea - it works great!!!!

I'm in it right now - its so purrrrdy!
Or you could just download with a browser other than omniweb that wont mess up the name :).

It worked fine in stuffit after i downloaded it using Mozilla.

Thank you kilowatt. What is involved in being the "official chimera dude"? :)
well, you have to eat chimera, sleep chimera, walk chimera, and use chimera.

Its a hard job, but somebody's got to do it