Chimera 0.1.3

Just a heads up. Chimera 0.1.3 was released today. Heres what they say on their website:

"Version 0.1.3 of Chimera is now available for download. It contains support for security (SSL, HTTPS, etc.) as well as support for alerts and user/password prompts, and some more crash fixes. This build is also 5% faster than 0.1.2. :)

You can download it from the installation page."

I'm liking it. Lets see if we can stop the arguements on this thread. Some of us have very different opinions and we aren't going to convince each other one way or the other. Everyone can state their opinion but it would be nice if it doesn't turn into an arguement. :)
5% faster? How much faster can this thing be? And does it support right-clicking(only have 56k, by the time I download thing 0.1.6 will be out) or another way to close tabs?
ok, RacerX just shared something with me and among the things on this site i found something you guys might like as well.

so click here to see a different version of chimera;)