Chimera 0.2 is out!

Well is it good?

After how uncompleted the last one was I can't be bothered to download and try it without a testimonial.

Bernie :eek:)
ksv: It's fitting for them to "release" (notice the quotes) it on April Fool's Day. :p
Oh I seee...

Personally I usually rely on the old "empty egg shell for breakfast, inverted so that nobody can tell" trick

Bernie :eek:)
OK, this seemed as good a place as any to mention that I found an Easter egg on the Chimera site.

Go to the site, and hit Apple-a to select all text. This reveals something on the orange strip below the logo at the top, which isn't normally visible...

Bernie :eek:)
well, it's a good april's fool joke as any, but it reminds me of what i said when people first started pushing the envelope a bit by saying chimera will win the browser war. i said that it'd take them a while to make the interface clean and good. and that OmniWeb has a perfect lead on that - and on using the Quartz rendering engine (and fixing all the problems with using it).

AND the page wasn't updated for half a month now. could mean they're really working very, very hard to complete 0.2, could mean they're losing their energy. i'd be glad to see chimera surpass the success of OmniWeb rather sooner than later, but I still hope they'll combine their efforts somehow. Only thinking about OW 5 using the mozilla engine - together with what OW has accomplished so far - makes me drool. what I still don't understand is why the mozilla project never ditched the whole GUI and replaced it with something better themselves. okay, it's cross platform, but it's also very, very slow. :)
They are still working on it. They actually have a few more developers on it now too. Its just that they are tackling some of the more difficult parts right now (quartz and plugins).

And about updates, check the newsgroup/mailing list. They post stuff along with users posts as well.