Chimera 0.3


Sorry if this is old news but I just downloaded a nightly build of chimera and it is 0.3. i thought that the latest chimera was .28
well i am not sure what is different but there are 3 preferences that i havent seen before.


you can also enable and disable Java and JavaScript.
it is also pretty fast.

thanks to all concerned
but this is a great place to note progress as Chimera works it's way to .3

I'll download some nightly builds but it would be nice to know when people find major improvements or breakage in one build or another.
It isn't the official release it is just kind of a 0.3 beta. Hyatt posted this about 0.3 in one of his recent blog entries -

Chimera Ascendant
There are some very exciting improvements coming in Chimera 0.3. First of all, Mike Pinkerton dumped the whole ATSUI patch that degraded performance by 50% when compared to Quickdraw and replaced it with the new 10.1.5 feature that allows you to use smooth text in Carbon apps. With this change we get anti-aliased text with only a 5% performance degradation, and that means those of you using smooth text are about to see a 45% speed boost when you move from Chimera 0.2.8 to Chimera 0.3. Woof!

The second big improvement is that Chimera is moving to the UNIX static build model. Thanks to Brian Ryner for leveraging Chris Waterson's extensive work on Mozilla to make this happen for Chimera! This means that we're consolidating dynamic libraries, thus enabling the linker to do a better job of shrinking the code size. This gets Chimera under the 20MB mark when exploded on disk, and it gets our disk image below 7MB! (We just keep getting smaller!) Oh, and did I mention that page load times improve by 2.5%, and startup times also improve substantially? Double woof!
I have noticed that it's moving faster and that the latest version that I d/led FINALLY lets me change the prefs and they STAY that way! YAY! I think it's using Silk right now though I'm not sure but the pages sure look a lot like they do in CFM Moz w/ Silk since the quartz rendering isn't as accurate as OW, but better than nothing.
Originally posted by solrac
this wouldn't be Drizzt from err..... look at my sig


Huh? I don't get it. What's your sig sposed to mean?

BTW, the final version of 0.3 has been released if anyone hasn't already seen it on VT

Yep the quartz is a little bit off in some areas right now. Probably just needs some more fine tuning before it'll work as well as OW.
Originally posted by Drizzt

Huh? I don't get it. What's your sig sposed to mean?

The founder (I believe founder) of is Warren, who people tend to joke around and call him the asian Corky (from life goes on), and his screen name is Drizzt, on AIM too.

So this is just coincidence?

Supraforums is a board about a car, btw, probably the best car ever made on this earth.
1) The Bookmarks Bar still can't be hidden.
2) The GUI is still very, very gooey. I rather have a bit slower rendering but a fast user interface.

It's strange, I think. Chimera uses Apple's user interface, but it's dog slow in Chimera. A bit like Java applications like Limewire (not *like*, only *a bit like*). Mozilla has its own XUL thingie as the interface. It's ugly in that it's entirely *unlike* the Aqua GUI. But it's faster, definitely faster than the UI in Chimera. Thus I'm using Mozilla if I want a Mozilla derived browser.

I think OmniGroup's decision *not* to use the Mozilla engine is the right one, as it seems to be difficult to integrate it with Cocoa/Aqua.

As I'm a web browser user and not a developer, I really don't care who will win (if someone will win) the browser wars at the end, as long as every browser gets better and better every day.

For me, Chimera is still not part of the race, as it has some basic user interface flaws. For me, the race is between Mozilla, IE and OW, where the application itself seems finished to me.
Originally posted by solrac

The founder (I believe founder) of is Warren, who people tend to joke around and call him the asian Corky (from life goes on), and his screen name is Drizzt, on AIM too.

So this is just coincidence?

Supraforums is a board about a car, btw, probably the best car ever made on this earth.

Yep just coincidence :)

I'm probably one of the few guys on this earth that doesn't really get into cars all that much so I wouldn't at all be hosting a forum for one ;)

Sorry for any confusion
Isn't Omni based on early builds of mozilla? I had heard that it got some code from mozilla.

As far as this milestone release goes, it seems not too much different but it's coming. There are still things that need major improvement but overall it's moving at a good pace.
omniweb is far older than mozilla, if you see mozilla's birth when netscape released the sourcecode to netscape 5 (which never was released, or released as version 6). and ow is about the same age as netscape.
Omniweb currently uses parts of the Mozilla javascript engine.

Mozilla came to be when Netscape open sourced their classic communicator code. worked for a while on what would be Netscape 5, but then they realized that it would have sucked and been way behind the times so they scrapped that and rewrote everything, one of the most costly moves software history, but maybe it will pay off in the long run.