
How do you like your chocolate?

  • Dark

  • Milk

  • White

  • Extra dark

  • I like exclusively some specific / other / none, please specify

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Chmod 760
Staff member
How do you like it? ::love::

I mean, dark, milk, white, extra dark? Or you like only very special chocolates?

I adore Green & Black's dark organic chocolates. Generally the darker the better. And hte best ones i've had are generally organic, and dark (60-80% chocolate). I've tried even 99 % chocolate (lindl), and it was a bit too much. In UK I think the tastiest place to get chocolates was Oxfam.

I don't like milk chocolate, it tastes icky to me. Neither nuts, I don't want them in my chocolate. Almonds are sometimes ok, but if I'd choose one kind only to have, it'd be dark, organic, 60-80 %.

In US the chocolates don't seem to have the chocolate content percentage. I think that is weird. And in some places they call "dark" even chocolates that are only 30-35 %.

White? **gag**

Now how does that qualify as chocolate?

give me the dark stuff and load on the truffles.
Dark French or Swiss chocolate. always bought at Walder, Neuchatel.
Really does chocolate put you in the mood?Does it work for both sexes?What about the arguements of any health benefits?I only care for chocolate chip cookies.
Hmm, I like milk chocolate, and white chocolate to some degree (though that isn't really chocolate, right?).

Actually, I like dark chocolate, too, but if it's rich (I guess high content), it starts making me sneeze. <sigh>
Ah, thanks for reminding me, mark - I was meaning to make chocolate chip cookies today...

I like really dark chocolate - the 70% cocoa stuff is lovely. I also like hot chocolate mexican-style - just cocoa and boiling water. Kind of like coffee, but I can drink it in the evening and still get to sleep.
yum! Tommy that picture just made me hungry ... :)

mark, the chocolate "fast" .. you basically eat only chocolate and drink water. no vitamin pills etc. so your body has to get energy of only the chocolate, and you will lose. doesn't work if you eat fruit etc etc on the same time. it's said to be effective, so rumors go that uma thurman slimmed down to her kill bill size on that method.

I've never done chocolate slim, and I don't plan to. But I like dark chocolate, and a few slices of it, and coffee every day keep me in good humor. Coffee for breakfast, chocolate and coffee for desert, and .. anothert good/bad thing is wine, I try to have 1/2- 1 glass of it daily. Just as they should have a lot of antioxidants, and generally the things that make you feel good, happier and more relaxed aren't bad .. at least when talking about chocolate or coffee. :)

My dad used to always terrorize saying that chocolate makes fat. Well, I eat a few bites of it every day, and well, I'm the same size or less than in the pics in the gallery ..
My Dad would reply: well, she (Gia) has a good metabolism. Not all of us are blessed with this.
But I am also not gaining weight with chocolate. My lucky brother tends to get pimpel after a nice piece of chocolate.. God, this must be a curse.
Don't envy my metabolism! It gets screwed with things like onions (I get sick so no onion in my food .. 1% in hot sauces is sometimes too much), wheat (an other 0 % policy), milk (the creamier the worse effects it has) .. and as I don't eat any meat or don't like greasy tastes what is there left? Some veggies, rice, occasional fish, my coffee and chocolate. :)
But I like dark chocolate, and a few slices of it, and coffee every day keep me in good humor. Coffee for breakfast, chocolate and coffee for desert, and .. anothert good/bad thing is wine, I try to have 1/2- 1 glass of it daily. Just as they should have a lot of antioxidants, and generally the things that make you feel good, happier and more relaxed aren't bad .. at least when talking about chocolate or coffee.

Now that's a diet I like! :)
Holy mackeral guys you eat too much chocolate & you won't need a laxative.But on the other hand it would be tastier than taking metamucil.