Citrix connection using RSA tag authentication


I'm trying to connect using my new Powerbook to my work Citrix Farm. I had all sorts of problems getting the Authentication to work through Citrix, but that part is sorted now, only 2 issues remain.

1) Every time I download and open the Citrix launch file it attempts to open in Photoshop, doesn't work obviously, I need to manually open it with the Citrix ICA client. No big deal, I can live with this one.

2) Once the Citrix app launches I see the Citrix spash screen. It tells me at the bottom of the image that it is connected. On a windows machine this splash screen would normally be followed by a program window with connection options, either a standard citrix desktop session, a remote desktop session or a VNC option. This does not happen when using the powerbook.

Should I be setting up a citrix connection manually on the powerbook, or could this be caused by something else I've missed?

I've managed to get it working. On the page with the program neighbourhood link there is also a settings option which tells the browser which client to use. Once I set this to the Java Client it all works.

Just thought I'd add this in case anyone else has a similar problem.