Clan [MOX] for Jedi Knight 2


Yeah, Androo.
How about we start a jk2 clan?!
I'll find a free game server to host it on, and then we'll all play. There was another server that used Maybe i'll check that out.
If you wanna join just post here and you're in lol.
Further news is coming soon.
Never played the game, just got my eyes up for the series with JK3, but I think I'll get JK2 for Mac...good PB-game for the road...if I do, count me in...
im in you prob new that already tho, lol. Has anyone, created skins or downloaded skins for JK2, i am very interested in making them :D
yaya :)
it would be sweet if you and me made a clan map, and some skins. But the problem is it costs like 40 bucks a month to hold a decent JK2 server, cuz i cant host it myself.