Classic Lives On!! Or does it?

Do you still use Classic or OS9?

  • No, I'm all aqua.

  • I use classic occasionally, but I don't keep it running.

  • I have classic open all the time.

  • I switch between 9 and X often.

  • I still use OS9 (or earlier) for exerything.

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Does anyone here still use 9 or at least Classic?

Personally, I keep classic running all the time. It doesn't slow down my 450 cube and it is convenient to be able to run any program on my computer without having to reboot
you kidding me ? :p
I use OS 9.2.2 for everything except programming :p
I just go into OS X when I need to experiment, or program :p -- even in OS X I would need to have classic on :p

for some reason DVD playback only works on OS X now... OS 9 doesnt "see" my DVD discs when in my DVD drive...weird :p

I switch between OS X and OS 9 right now. at this moment OS X is just a toy for me. (internet browsing and chating). but as soon as I get Adobe: photoshop 7.0, iLLustrator 10, and LiveMotion 2.0.... I will kiss OS 9 goodbye forever. (unless I need to use my scanner)
All my games are OS 9, so I have to keep Classic there just in case.

It really pisses me off that I have to load up Classic to scan anything. I've even put the Classic startup in my dock. I have to click that, and then press the purple button on the front of my scanner.

At one stage I thought about setting Classic to load on boot.
I've seen lots of scanners for under $50. I don't know if they have out-of-the-box OS X compatability, but they do exist really cheap. So you may want to consider dumping non OS X scanners for ones that will work.
Well, only reason for me to boot into OS 9(don't use Classic) now is Final Cut Pro 2(too cheap or broke to upgrade)...
I am trying to make the switch to InDesign, but some of the printer we work with are a little resistant to the idea, although they don't really come up with any really good reasons.

What the hell was Quarl think in not Carbonizinf Quark 5.0 anyway. They need to step away from the crack pipe for a second and join the rest of who don't necessarily dwell in the elitist 'Quarkland.'

May it should be called Qrank 5.0 or Quack 5.0 :D
Since Thursday, I now run Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, Flash MX, ImageReady 7 all in OS X...I have an InDesign 2.0 demo and hope to get ID soon through work...

At that point I will only start Classic to test webpage in Classic versions of the browsers...
I keep Classic open all the time (for Photoshop; that will soon change once I get version 7). :)
I've yet to get my hands on the new Photoshop... and I still need to check Web pages in the old Netscape 4.x.

Besides these two things the only reason I ever see classic any more is when it loads when I don't want it to. This happens a lot when my Mom (on OS 9) sends me email attachments that have cretor/types that are associated with OS 9 programs.

I've sent feedback to Apple to request that they add a feature that allows us to either map OS 9 creators to OS X applications or to disable the auto-starting of Classic.

Hey, I don't think we are supposed to be bringing Tech Talk anywhere near the bar...
You can. get info on the file, select Open with application and then pick the program and hit change all.
Originally posted by divibisan
You can. get info on the file, select Open with application and then pick the program and hit change all.
Yeah, but when I just double-click an image from Entourage I don't even have that opportunity.

The catch-22 here is that you can't "change all" unitill you have a file that matches. I'd like to have a way to see which file types will be associated before I even have such a file.

I can Change All, but that won't keep my Mom from sending me another attachement with the Simple Text association...
Well... I've had my iMac for a week, and I havn't started up Classic once. Guess I'll be deleting it pretty soon, maybe not.
Originally posted by TommyWillB
I've yet to get my hands on the new Photoshop... and I still need to check Web pages in the old Netscape 4.x.

Besides these two things the only reason I ever see classic any more is when it loads when I don't want it to. This happens a lot when my Mom (on OS 9) sends me email attachments that have cretor/types that are associated with OS 9 programs.

I've sent feedback to Apple to request that they add a feature that allows us to either map OS 9 creators to OS X applications or to disable the auto-starting of Classic.

Hey, I don't think we are supposed to be bringing Tech Talk anywhere near the bar...

That's why you use the piece of shareware called "Classic?". It's a great program that has a Classic Environment suppresser... very, very handy.

If you DO want to wait 5 months to get the feature, though, I think Jaguar bodes well. Just look at this pic from ThinkSecret:
