Cocoa Toolbar Question


KU Mac Geek
Hello all:

I have an app. I won't say what it does ('cause I don't know yet!), but it has a toolbar. This toolbar has an item that is composed of an NSView with some buttons (like in Fire's Online-On and Offline-Customize or the Finder's Icon-List-Column items). When I click the buttons, the main window switches views using the same animation method System Prefs or OW uses. All works well, except for the toolbar disapears; at least the items, anyway. The only way to get them back is to hide and then show the toolbar.

To make this short, anyone know how to refresh the toolbar? I tried looking in the Developer Help, but it didn't seem to find anything.

BTW: I posted some pics and a movie to show this. Click here to see them.

Thanks in advance:
Hmm, that's weird. I have a program that uses a toolbar and changes the window's contentView each time a toolbar item is pressed, but it does work all the time. How big is your code? Maybe it's something with your code...
My code's not too big, just MyDocument.m and MyDocument.h

I'll post the toolbar code, there is probably something I need to do (I'm still learning).

Kainjow, if you could post the code/app you have I can compare how the contentView changes.
