Column: Insight & Mystery for MacWorld SF


Staff member
We have all waited for MacWorld events with anticipation. Sometimes, we even got up really early. I remember while living in Cupertino, that I'd get up just before 6am to watch a MacWorld keynote on the Internet, one that was in New York. Of course, living in the middle of the country, time zones for either NY or SF are friendly to me today. But either way, we watched them, not because Steve is cool, cause well, he is just a guy. We didn't watch it because a cool band was playing or some skimpy clad women would be on stage, we did it because we wanted to be the first to see what Apple, the company that seems to come up with the wildest and coolest things, was going to offer us this time.

We have all seen it, a keynote destined for disappointment, a 20 minute discussion on the latest update of iXYZ software, and how a cool new widget that somehow justified the 20 minute discussion of the 4th update of iXYZ. We wondered, after an hour and a half, would the demos from Adobe, Microsoft, other big name developers, be followed by something really cool, something we could run to school or run to work and say... DID YOU SEE WHAT APPLE JUST LAUNCHED? Then to watch the Mac skeptics, the people who are happy with minimalism (i.e. Windows) go "wow" just for a brief moment in time, they gave homage to the company we hold dear to our heart, even as short lived as the WOW is, even though followed by "it's how much?".

This coming MacWorld, in my humble opinion, is the silent bomb. Something big is coming, at least in Steve's mind, and here is why.

1) The rumor leaks have been stopped. It's strangely silent, just as with the silence before the storm, so is the silence before MacWorld this year.

2) The timely announcement that someone had been arrested or was needing to be arrested for releasing certain information about a soon-to-be-released product, before it was released. It was timed to remind anyone who might want to release some data, that the law is not on their side, and they will be punished if they do.

3) The release of the old "faithfuls" prior to MacWorld. iSync release, iCal update, 10.2.3 not long ago. All of which could have waited just another week or two before being released, at MacWorld.

All this points to the fact that Steve has something he wants to spend some time on. Sure, he will highlight the latest releases, talk about numbers, and how well the iPod is selling. We can expect demos from people who are stage poets and others who are stage scared, but what the rumors sites seem reluctant to say, yet is so evident by the silence, is that this MacWorld, is going to be big. No time for mundane stuff like 10.2.3 or iSync release, this MacWorld, is for the history books.
I'm getting excited over here, very very excited :D

I'm gonna drown in my own lake of anticipation soon ;) :p :)
Originally posted by xaqintosh
I'm getting excited over here, very very excited :D

I'm gonna drown in my own lake of anticipation soon ;) :p :)

yea me too i'm drowning (in your lake that is) :D

Indeed, I think that silence is a clue that something big is coming, but I prefer to set myself ready for disappointment just in case!

Kudos to Apple for taking care of the leaks, even though it means we don't get any good rumors :rolleyes:
A little kid is walking down the street, and sees the glint of a new penny on the ground. He races over and sweeps it up in his little hand, and scampers home to show his BIG brother what he found. He runs into the house, up the stairs and rushes into his big brother's room. His big brother looks up at him with a confused look on his face. The out-of-breath little brother says, "l-L-l-Look what I found!"

The big brother moves his gaze from his little brother's flush face to his shaking hand, and sees that it is wrapped around a shiny penny. He pauses, and then looks his little brother straight in the eyes and says, "Shut up. Santa is dead."

I don't want to get all excited and end up like the little brother.
I am drowning and I need scantily clad lifeguards to save me! OMG... stop it! You are all killing me!

I cannot wait for things to happen!Yes there are leaks... but you will have to be able to read Chinese to find them! Some Taiwanese contract manufacturers are talking... and they know that they are safe because they are just too far from the US...

The stupid thing is that they have no idea what Apple can do to them.

/me in Asia. And reads Chinese. LOL..
Being in Australia, I'll have to watch the keynote between 1am and 3am. But I will sit up, because even on the keynotes when their hasn't been anything too exciting (last winter's one springs to mind) it is still fun to see what they are doing and get some idea of what the future holds.

I agree with ScottW's reasoning on this. I expect we could see some really interesting stuff, and since the "old faithfuls" have all recieved recent updates, its not likely to just be a bunch of miscelaneous updates.
Maybe they'll release Mac OS X to Wintel boxes...
But whatever this or these great advancements are for Apple, its probably gonna be something TOTALLY unique, like the ipod or new imac. Something that non of us nor any rumors site would have ever anticipated. It'll probably be hardware
I generally trust these guys thinksecret. They have just posted an article saying they have solid info that iMacs, eMacs, Power Macs, Powerbooks, iBooks and Apple displays will not be updated this MWSF.

So what does Apple have up it's sleeve? The plot thinkens!
Originally posted by aishafenton
I generally trust these guys thinksecret. They have just posted an article saying they have solid info that iMacs, eMacs, Power Macs, Powerbooks, iBooks and Apple displays will not be updated this MWSF.

So what does Apple have up it's sleeve? The plot thinkens!

Here is the link i beleive aisha is referring to.

Contrary to "thinksecret"'s beliefs:
Think Secret has obtained Apple internal documents clearly showing distributors and Apple sitting on larger than normal inventories of most iMac models, eMac models and all display models, except for the low-end, 15-inch display

i can tell you right now, that is complete bollocks. Apple Australia has NIL inventory of 15" imacs and Combo eMacs as of 23rd December 2002. Plenty of 17"ers (which thinksecret got right), but nuttin' else.

I'll bet my last dollar that you will see at least significant speed bumps, and 17" coming in at least two flavours at a vastly cheaper price - ie Combo 867 17" and SuperDrive 1 GHz 17".
Only the Combo 15" should be left behind, if not discontinued completely.

thats my two cents.

(i'll also be up at 1 am watching stevey, and if he doesn't deliver.... ohooohhh boy he's in trouble........)