command line ftp client


is there a command line ftp client i could use that would allow me to put and get rescursively and auto create missing directories. i tried using ncftp, but most of the servers i work on don't support ncftp's "get" command.

also i would like to avoid the headache of installing the gnu-darwin distribution if at all possible.
Exactly what problem are you having with ncftp get, and what version are you running, 3.1.1? Does it sort of load the file, and stop at something like 8137k? I have been using ncftp for many years, and I have just started seeing this behavior with version 3.1.1. Last I was running on OS X was 3.0.4 with no problems at all. I reported this to Mike Gleason, and he didn't think it was ncftp; he thought it was networking issues. I got more info for him, and emailed him again, but haven't heard back. I believe he runs OS X, since his email came from Apple Mail. Please email him with details on your problems so he can see that it's not just I. ncftp is my absolute favorite ftp client.
no. it'll work fine on the BSD server in my office, but with the 3 other linux boxes i work on it just doesn't work. i type "get -R images" hit enter and it goes to the next line. no errors or anything. the type "!ls" and the directory isn't there.

i'm using whatever came with the OS.


bash2.05 andy@localhost ~ % ncftp -H
Version: 2.4.3 (March 19, 1998)
i installed 3.1.1 a minute ago and it works fine. much better than i could have possibly imagined actually. i was a little confused at first by the local commands, but it actually auto completes file names for you. supercool.

i think i'm still seeing the old man page though..
Did you build it from source or get the binaries? Either way, I guess you would have to make sure that things are installed in the same places as the previous version, or at least higher up in your $PATH. OS X's ncftp is in /usr/bin, and ncftp's default install is /usr/local/bin, so you would need to configure with
--prefix=/usr . That would fix it I think.

Good to hear you like 3.1.1. With all the functionality of it, it is my favorite ftp client. Tab completion, local commands (prefixing commands with 'l'), etc.