command line history - cursor keys?


I've noticed in a couple of programs (namely, FTP and sqlplus) my cursor keys don't work. When I'm in the shell, I can go back and forth through the command line history by hitting the up or down arrows, but in these two programs I get ^[[A when I hit the up arrow and ^[[B when I hit the down arrow.

Any ideas?
I don't use FTP at all (I'm sorry, people that still do baffle me)... What is sqlplus? The history works fine in mysql.
sqlplus is the command line tool for Oracle. I'm running 9i for Mac and it's great except for this stupid history problem.
Command-history has to be explicitly implemented in the given program for it to work. Sometimes all you need to do is rebuild the program using a configure option like "--ncurses-support" (or something like it) since the "curses" libraries are used to handle histories. Check the configure options for the program.