Comp USA...


You know, they really oughta hire me.......
When I went there on Monday, I HAD to play with the Macs. I decided that the way they had them set up there would NOT sell them at all. So, I decided to change a few icons and add a couple of fun little goodies....
Oh yea, I also opened AppleWorks on them and added a cute little buy me note on there and left it open in a very large and BRIGHT font. :D
They seem to purposely make the Mac look bland there to me and I really thought I should do something about it. Now, everytime I go to a computer store I will be sure to not only fix up the Macs for them, but I think I will also head over to the PC section and leave a msg in notepad or whatever they have and leave a big bold note that says "Save yourself the time, trouble, and heartache..... BUY A MAC!!! :p
but I think I will also head over to the PC section and leave a msg in notepad or whatever they have and leave a big bold note that says "Save yourself the time, trouble, and heartache..... BUY A MAC!!!

LOL, that's exactly what I do at costco. :D
Yeah, this is a mac user law. You must make the Macs look good. Last time I was at CompUSA I turned iTunes on and did the full screen visualizer on a cinema display on a Dual 1GHz G4.. and then I fixed the display size on the CRT iMacs.

Also, if the PCs have net access, just load up on all of them. It really is fun!
Same with MicroCenter.. Some of the iBooks and CRT iMacs are still running 10.0.3.. I mean, is it really that hard to pop in a 10.1 upgrader cd and install the Apple Retail Demo Software?
Judging by the Mac "knowledge" of the CompUSA staff in my area, you're lucky they managed to power up their Macs.
If you ask them to update the OS, they'll probably start looking for the floppy drive.

I feel like were sitting here yelling "foolish mortals!" and giving a huge evil laugh.

