computer crashed during OS update


not sure what do here. heres the situation:

While installing the latest OS update through Software Update, the computer crashed. Now when the computer tries to boot i get error messages saying:

disk0s10:0x8 (UNDEFINED).
disk0s10:0x8 (UNDEFINED).
disk0s10:0x8 (UNDEFINED).
/etc/master.passwd.  No such file or directory.
disk0s10:0x8 (UNDEFINED).
disk0s10:0x8 (UNDEFINED).
/etc/master.passwd.  No such file or directory.
disk0s10:0x8 (UNDEFINED).
disk0s10:0x8 (UNDEFINED).

Heres what I have tried:

  • Restarting from the Panther Install CD and trying Disk Repair. No luck, I get error messages saying that the volume cannot be repaired
  • Trying to reinstall panther from the good. I get error messages saying there was an error installing the software.

any ideas on what to do next?
oh yeah, i also tried going into rest password formt he startup disk, but the hard drive wont show up in the list of volumes, only the install cd.
If you have Diskwarrior, try running that. If that fails, I think there is nothing you can do but a clean reinstall.
you could also try to 'upgrade' to 10.3 and then apply the updates again. see if it lets you upgrade. sometimes it does...
I had a problem too, it was hanging with the message - waiting for local disks... so I had to reboot and then it went well.