Confliction with a Belkin G+ MIMO and AirPort?



I just got a home wireless network installed this morning. Yay.

The phone company installed a Siemens Speedstream 6520 modem, which had to be installed downstairs, as there’s no phone socket in my office, which is upstairs.

I’m using both a PC and a Mac Powerbook.

The PowerBook picks up on the network with no problems. I bought a Belkin G+ Mimo USB adapter for the PC, and that works fine too. Both are in range, and the signal’s good.

Now, here’s the thing.

When I have both computers in the same room, the PC is on all the time. When I'm not using it, I mostly keep the lid on the Mac closed to keep it cool, or it’s switched off. When I turn the Mac on and am asked to join my network, I get an error trying to join the network, and it won’t connect.

If I then leave the room, and go to the next room, it connects fine, and I have no problem joining the network.

So I’m thinking there’s some interference between the Belkin and the AirPort.

The weird thing is, if I just walk back into the office, I’m still connected to the network, but I have problems accessing the internet, or I can’t download mail.

Does anyone know what could be going wrong here, and how can I fix it?


Check to make sure your mac doens't connect automatically to ad-hoc networks. The belkin is probably a bit closer to the mac than the airport - so the mac tries to link to the PC. Also, set up the mac to only connect to your house network... I do this to help my wife only connect to our network and not the neighbor's each time she restarts. That will do it for you.
Thanks for the reply.

I did have it set up just to connect to my network, but it was still mucking around.

Anyway, since then, it seems to have fixed itself. Don't know what went on there, but it's ok.

