Congrats to Ulrik!

BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
Well, since he's posted over 1000, he's now in the club... I figured I'd give him the same treatment as you gave all the others that have gone past 1000 in the few recent months...

Hip Hip Hooray!
Ulrik! Ulrik! Ulrik!

A round of drinks (any kind) to all in the B&G!
Woo hoo! Yay for ulrik!

So everyone who makes 1000 posts has to buy all rounds in Herve's B&G until they reach 2000, right? :D
Originally posted by nkuvu
Woo hoo! Yay for ulrik!

So everyone who makes 1000 posts has to buy all rounds in Herve's B&G until they reach 2000, right? :D

No, only those people whose "Congrats" threads are over 5 pages long *coughedandadmiralcough*.

Way to go! You hit the 4 digits running! May you have as many post as there are little guys falling off the cliff!
Originally posted by simX
No, only those people whose "Congrats" threads are over 5 pages long *coughedandadmiralcough*.


Um... yeah... I think I left my wallet in the car... bye!

'Sokay, RacerX, I am sure Tismey wouldn't mind running up a tab for you. As long as you have a major credit card to start it out...

Congrats to Ulrik

ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik ik:D

you sure snuck up on us. you must have been doing some massive posting helping folks somewhere at sometime. Do you you think there is something about our birthday that makes us a but more blabbermouthed than others? (Deion Sanders was also born on aug 9:p )

so how has life been? You seem to come and go in spurts. Glad your having another posting spurt:)
Thank you thank you!

You know, now standing in front of you with this award in my hand shows me that my hard work wasn't for nothing.

I'd like to thank my team, a bunch of real great people, and I have to admit, over the time, we became not only co-workers, but friends. And though I don't pay them much, and though I treat them like slaves, they always served me well and helped me to accomplish my difficult goal.
Also, I wanna thank my parents, who raised me and tought me everything I have to know to treat my co-workers like slaves.
Last but not least, I wanna thank my fans! You are the driving force behind the Ulrik you love. Without you, I would have much more spare time. That's why I treat you all like slaves.

Thank you! Thank you, academy. Thank you USA! Thank you all!
whoops... ulrik posted like 2.4583452345 seconds before me!

even though it says 1 minute difference

but there you go nkuvu! your answer!
I think it was 2.123374 seconds. - Who cares what you think? - Oh not you again, didn't the admin ban you from this mind? - You will never get rid of me! - OK, we had this deal! You don't show up in public and during sex, so what are you doing here? - Ops, forgot about that one! - No lame excuse this time, like you normally have? - Oh shut up and leave me alone! - Yeah, leave me alone, good one... - I never wanted to share this mind with you, so I guess we both have to live with it! - Yes, but NOT IN PUBLIC! - Oh, is that your "not-in-public"-attitude again? You always care about what others think of you! - Of us, stupid! And yes I do! As should you! - Nah, I don't care, as long as you get me drunk at least twice a weak! - You will kill us both one day! - QUITE YOU TWO! - sorry, sir - sorry, sir
Hey Ulrik,

My wife wanted me to tell you that she liked your posts in the .NET thread with Fraggy today. She thought your points were very well thought out.