

Well Ed, you've done it.

You've found lovely little clones to do your work for you. The forum now has more moderators that posters.

This is the last post I shall make to this board. As a relative apple newbie, I loved this board when I got my iMac. Now, though the iMac is still fresh and fun, this board is rubbish.

Solrac had a joke removed despite clearly labelling it as a joke. What a pathetic little power trip your moderators are on. If you read my previous post, you'll realise how similar you have become the the police state nazis I then described. Look at how many posts have been made since my previous one. It's about 100. Moderate yourselves into oblivion. I no longer care.

If anyone has a new board, where people can freely express themselves, please let me know on:

Goodbye mein fuhrers.
As much as i have sustained Ed in the past year i have to say... you have a point...lately ..there are too many moderator....and not enought post...or..let's say ...a big portion of them was removed...
Now the work of a moderator ia a very bad get to decide what is right and what is wrong....but hey Ed (and moderators) when something is labeled as is a joke...
Let's be more open...Pople try not to be offensive and / or illegal and moderator....moderate yourself a little
We can all find a good balance...

Regarding the nazi thingy... i have to say.. that is a pretty s*** example..

I mean..Ed is not forcing you to come here work for him be insulted and all that... he is trying to keep things in do not like it?? on the contrary of German can leave here and never come back if you wish....i call that freedom..sdomething that lacked during the Nazi's period...

And please do not play with the Nazi's thingy... if for many people outside Europe ..Nazi's are just fun people to fight with in games like RTCW for many europeans is stilla huge tragedy let's try to avoid making silly comparision....
I've moved this thread to opinions instead of just deleting it. I think there _is_ room to discuss these things, however: You've pushed the limits very hard with this post, cokeymon. If you care to talk about it, you can send a private message to Ed, to me or you can talk about it in this thread.
Thanks for your advice fryke - very nice of you.

I did have a bit of a rant I know, but I am European & my (great) grandparents were gassed by the Nazis. So when I call someone a Nazi, I'm certainly not trying to draw direct comparisons. In the UK, calling someone Nazi (or Thatcher, or Hitler) is just a vaguely insulting way of calling someone dictatorial.

No real offence meant - sorry!
I'm thankful that you've cleared that up. But while I certainly believe you that you didn't mean a direct comparison, people reading posts like that may very well interpret them as a direct comparison. (Well, you've seen Toast's reaction as well as mine.)
cokeymon, you are the biggest idiot i've ever seen. how your mother managed to raise you past age 2, i'm not sure.

"ha ha. just kidding. i couldn't resist!"

now, did my using the same qualifier to distinguish this as a joke that solrac did to his ethnic attack make it ok? did it make it funny? i don't think so. i think it makes me look a real @sshole for saying something like this and it clearly violates site policy.

if you think putting a little disclaimer behind a violation of site policy makes it ok, then please be my guest and leave. don't let the door hit you on the way out. Hopefully you will find a place where bigotry and hatred will be tolerated in the name of humor.

Because bigotry and prejudice will not be tolerated on my watch - even in so called 'harmless jokes'. it was me personally who removed solrac's post. and if i see another that attacks a people for things that are not choices, i'll yank them as well.
Cokeymon is now banned. not for the remarks he made against the moderators and myself in this thread, but for a very vicious pm that he sent another site member. abuses of the pm system will not be tolerated. site rules apply to private communications as well as public ones. i'm not sure where the big chip on cokeymon's shoulder comes from, but i suspect he is going to get very tired carrying it around throughout his life. :(

Goodbye cokeymon.