Connect to PC and disconnect


I have a windows pc connected via a router and all seem to work pretty perfect. I connect to the PC with "Connect to server". (smb://

But when I shut down the PC and keep working on my mac, it's giving problems. Spinning ball/programs not responding etc.
When I restart it will take a long time to boot.

Do I need to log out of the PC before shutting it down? And if so... HOW? ;)

Thanks for any info
Before shutting the PC down, drag the PC Drive on the Mac to the trash to disconnect, or eject.
Hmmm that's what I thought was funny, I never SEE any PC-drive! I always get into the directory of the PC by using new Finder Window.

How do I get the PC drive on my desktop?

Thanks Bob!
I see now how to eject the PC-drive in the Finder window. But that means that I cannot get an alias for the drive in my dock?
update: I can make an icon of the network drive into the dock from the (new) finder window.
If I want to disconnect I need to open the finder window again and right click the drive and select eject.

But still no drive icon on desktop when connected.
In Finder, go to Finder --> Preferences.

There is an option at the top: "Show these items on the desktop: []Hard Disks []Removable media such as CDs [] Connected servers"

Make sure you select to show connected servers on the desktop.